We firmly believe that God the Father has saved his people through the gospel of God the Son, Jesus Christ, and that God the Spirit testifies to that gospel in the Bible. Therefore, the Bible, our Triune God, and the gospel are central to what we believe and, as we hope and pray, how we live.


We believe that that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God, the only rule of Christian faith and practice.


  • Inspired: The Bible is written by God the Holy Spirit through the agency of human authors.
  • Inerrant: The Bible is without error in the original manuscripts.
  • Infallible: The Bible does not fail to accomplish the purposes for which God sends it.
  • The only rule of Christian faith and practice: The Bible, and it alone, tells us what we are to believe about God, his salvation, how we are to worship and serve him, and how we are to live in relationship to one another and the world on account of the gospel.


We believe that the Bible testifies to actions of one God, who exists eternally in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


  • One God in three persons: The Bible testifies that our God is one being who exists eternally and simultaneously in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • The Bible is Trinitarian in both testaments: We believe that the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments testifies to and is about our Triune God. As our Lord himself says in Luke 24, the entire Bible testifies to and proclaims the saving work of Christ Jesus, who presents all who repent and believe in him to the Father by the Holy Spirit.


We stand in the Reformed tradition because we believe that Reformed theology accurately summarizes what the Bible teaches, and maximizes the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. At the heart of Reformed theology stand God and his glory, the Bible, the gospel, and the worship of God.


  • God's glory: Following the Bible (see, for example, 1 Corinthians 10:31) Reformed theology emphasizes that God's glory, meaning his fame and honor, is the goal of all Christian faith and practice, as well as the ultimate end of all creation.
  • The 5 "alones" of the Reformation: The Reformation trumpeted 5 solas (Latin for "alone"): According to Scripture alone, we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone." These solas are the basis for Reformed theology, piety, and practice. All Christians are saved through faith (not works) in Christ (no other so-called gods or saviors) because of God's grace (not our desires or merits) shown to dead sinners, through the Bible (not private experience nor any other religious text), so that God's fame (not ours) would be magnified on earth and in heaven.
  • Covenants: Reformed theology is arranged according to the covenants God has revealed in Scripture. We read of a covenant with Adam (cf. Hosea 6:7), a covenant with Noah, with Abraham, with Moses, with David, and ultimately a New Covenant with Christ (cf. Luke 22:20). We generally place these covenants under two categories: works and grace. The Covenant of Works, the one made with Adam, is the one through which we are counted as dead sinners. The Covenant of Grace, expressed in the covenants made with Abraham, Moses, David and Christ, is the one through which Christians are saved by faith in the mediator, Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the covenant of works in their place and imputes that fulfillment to them through faith in him alone.
  • Worship: We believe that worship is the goal of our new life in Christ Jesus. Reformed theology recognizes that while all of life is to be lived to God's glory, and that prayer to God and service to one's neighbor are the hallmarks of the Christian's life week to week, that God has set aside one day in seven to worship him. We believe that Sunday worship is where the Lord feeds his people with his Word and sacraments, giving them a foretaste of the life they will have with him in the new heavens and earth. Reformed theology has therefore placed a very high value on the weekly gathering of the saints before the Lord's throne of grace each Sunday, seeing not only as a duty but as a delight that will carry on through eternity.


We believe that the Bible is clear and therefore can and should be summarized so that we can clearly know what God has called us to believe.


  • Westminster standards: Our denomination is the Orthodox Presbyterian Chuch. Our confession, shared by other Presbyterian churches such as the Presbyterian Church in America, was written and adopted in the 17th century by the Westminster Assembly in England. Hence the name the Westminster Confession. Here is a link to the Westminster Confession.